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_______ _             _____
|__   __| |           / ____|                                           _
   | |  | |__   ___  | (___   ___ __ _ _ __ ___  ___ _ __ _____      __|/__
   | |  | '_ \ / _ \  \___ \ / __/ _` | '__/ _ \/ __| '__/ _ \ \ /\ / // __|
   | |  | | | |  __/  ____) | (_| (_| | | |  __/ (__| | | (_) \ V  V / \__ \
   |_|  |_| |_|\___| |_____/ \___\__n_|_|  \___|\___|_|  \___/ \_/\_/  |___/
****        **  ****  **  *******  **  *******  **    **        ***      *****
****  ********  ****  **   ******  **   ******  ***  ***  ********  ****  ****
****  ********  ****  **    *****  **    *****  ***  ***  ********  ****  ****
****  ********  ****  **  **  ***  **  **  ***  ***  ***  *********  *********
****      ****  ****  **  ***  **  **  ***  **  ***  ***      *******  *******
****  ********  ****  **  ****  *  **  ****  *  ***  ***  *************  *****
****  ********  ****  **  *****    **  *****    ***  ***  ********  ****  ****
****  ********   **   **  ******   **  ******   ***  ***  ********  ****  ****
****  *********      ***  *******  **  *******  **    **        ***      *****

                        Version 2.1  -  March 21, 1994

   OK, if you're new to ASCII art, you might want to check out some of these
goodies. If you're an ASCII art expert, there are some sigs you may have not
seen.  And if you've seen them all, then pass it along.




   I added the computer and words to a pic someone posted.

         __                        ___________________________________
       _( _)_                     /    I know Beethoven was great,    \
      ( _) ( )            _____  |      but do you have to say it      |
     (_)    (_)          @@@@@@@ |  every day on  |
   __/     . |          @@@  .|_  \ __________________________________/
 /    \  --\_) _________@@(    _) |/                  | |         |
|   /\  \__/)-/_______(@@@@__-/                       | |        |'
|--|**|\__ --|        (___)   \___ /\  ##             !_!-v----v-"
|*****|__ |____________| \    |  /    \##    __--"""i i""""""""""i
 \*(#####)  ||      ||    \___|____/\__##   !_______! !__________!

[I took the liberty of changing the word 'computer' to 'monitor'.]
              _    _ _  ___          ___.    . ___. .   .
              |\  /| \   |        | /   |    |  __| |___|
              | \/ |     |        | \___|    |    | |   |
              |    |    _|_       .     | ___| ___| |   |

                 __  ___.  ___.  ___.    _     ___. _____
                /  |  __| /   | /   |   / \   /   |   |
               |   |    | \___| \___|  /___\  \___|   |
                \__| ___|     |     | /     \  /  |   |

                ___. .    .   ___   .   .      .   . ___
               /   | |    |  /   \   \ /       |  /|  |
               \___| |    | |     |   \        | / |  |
                /  |  \__/   \___/     \       |/  | _|_

             ___.   ___  _____ _____  .   .   ___   _    _
            /   |  /   \   |     |    |  /|  /   \  |\  /|
            \___| |     |  |     |    | / | |     | | \/ |
             /  |  \___/   |   __|__  |/  |  \___/  |    |

 \__/      \__/       \__/       \__/       \__/       \__/       \__/
 (oo)      (o-)       (@@)       (xx)       (--)       (  )       (OO)
//||\\    //||\\     //||\\     //||\\     //||\\     //||\\     //||\\
 bug       bug        bug/w      dead       bug       blind     bug after
         winking    hangover     bug      sleeping     bug      seeing a

      ___ ___  ___  ___ _    ___ __  __   ___  ___  _ __   _____ _  _  ___
     | _ \ _ \/ _ \| _ ) |  | __|  \/  | / __|/ _ \| |\ \ / /_ _| \| |/ __|
     |  _/   / (_) | _ \ |__| _|| |\/| | \__ \ (_) | |_\ V / | || .` | (_ |
     |_| |_|_\\___/|___/____|___|_|  |_| |___/\___/|____\_/ |___|_|\_|\___|
                         ___ ___  ___   ___ ___ ___ ___
                        | _ \ _ \/ _ \ / __| __/ __/ __|
                        |  _/   / (_) | (__| _|\__ \__ \
                        |_| |_|_\\___/ \___|___|___/___/

                    YES   =============================   NO
             +-----------|| Does the Darn Thing work? ||-----------+
             |            =============================            |
             V                                                     V
        +----------+     +---------+                          +---------+
        |   Don't  |  NO |   Does  |       +-------+     YES  | Did you |
        |   mess   | +---|  anyone |<------|  YOU  |<---------|   mess  |
        | with it! | |   |  know?  |       | MORON |          | with it |
        +----------+ |   +---------+       +-------+          +---------+
             |       V        | YES                                |  NO
             |    +------+    +-----------+                        |
             |    | HIDE |                V                        V
             |    |  IT  |            +--------+             +-----------+
             |    +------+            |  YOU   |        YES  | WILL THEY |
             |       |       +------->|  POOR  |<------------| CATCH YOU?|
             |       |       |        |BASTARD!|             +-----------+
             |       |       |        |________|                   |  NO
             |       |       |             |                       |
             |       |       |             V                       V
             |       |       |      +---------------+        +-----------+
             |       |       |  NO  | CAN YOU BLAME |        |DESTROY THE|
             |       |       +------| SOMEONE ELSE? |        |  EVIDENCE |
             |       |              +---------------+        +-----------+
             |       |                     |  YES                  |
             |       |                     v                       |
             |       |      ============================           |
             |       +---->||           N O            ||<---------+
             +------------>||      P R O B L E M       ||

   This is a small sampling of smilies.

  :-)      basic smiley

  ,-)      winking happy smiley

  ;-(      crying smiley

  O:-)     angel smiley

  :-?      smiley smokes a pipe

  :-}X     bow tie-wearing smiley

  :-{      mustache

  :=)      orangutan smiley

  @:-}     smiley just back from the hairdresser

  C=:-)    chef smiley

  X:-)     little kid with a propeller beanie

  [:-)     smiley wearing a walkman

  8(:-)    Mickey Mouse

  :----}   you lie like pinnochio

   From our investigative news team ...
-TOP SECRET- photo of VMS operating system!   _o######ooooooo-_
                               _o############# ##o::___
                     _##### o###########_:~##~
               o#############~~     ~~~~~~~######_
           __o##########~::o_             o#######
      _oo##########~~::o#####            o###########o___
  o##########~~~~    ~~~##########       ~~~~#############o
 #####~~~~~~                ~~~

   And now a word from out sponsor ...

              "Here at First National, you're
               not just a number - you're two
               numbers, a dash, three more
               numbers, another dash and
               another number."

   And now the thought for the day ...

   A rose by any other name would likely be
   "deadly thorn-bearing assault vegetation." (Robert Bullock)

   And now back to our show

|                                        |
| Test:                                  |&     *******************************
|                                        |&&    *                             *
| 1. When did the Pilgrims               |&&&   *    Calvin    &    Hobbes    *
|    land at Plymouth Rock?              |&&&|  *                             *
|                                        |&&&|  *    By   Bill   Watterson    *
|            /|                          |&&&|  *                             *
|        _/|/ |7_                        |&&&|  *******************************
|       >   - - <                        |&&&|
|      *==+ O O_|                        |&&&|  ______________________________
|       (      _)    /                   |&&&| |                              |
|        \____-/    /                    |&&&| | Quality and results vary     |
|         [|^|^T/--B                     |&&&| | depending on font used while |
|        |[|_|_/^^/                      |&&&| | viewing this comic strip.    |
|        |[____|=============            |&&&| |                              |
|        |@@@@@@@]_________/             |&&&| | Change fonts until desired   |
|        |L@@@@@@||]     ||              |&&&| | picture is found.            |
|        ^][^^][^||      ||              |&&&| |______________________________|
|         ^^  ^^ ^^      ^^              |&&&|
|                                        |&&&|
|                                        |^^^^
|                                        |&
|            1620.                       |&&
|                                        |&&&|
|              _ /|                      |&&&|
|         _\ \/ / 7                      |&&&|
|         >     ^ ^                      |&&&|
|         =     /_/                      |&&&|
|         (      _)                      |&&&|
|          \____-/__**                   |&&&|
|        ||/  T T /--\\                  |&&&|
|        |/___^/===~~~~+~====            |&&&|
|        |@@@@@@@]_________/             |&&&|
|        |L@@@@@@||]     ||              |&&&|
|        ^][^^][^||      ||              |&&&|
|         ^^  ^^ ^^      ^^              |&&&|
|                                        |&&&|
|                                        |&&&|
|                                        |&&&|
|   As You CaN sEE, I'VE MEMoRiZEd tHis  |^^^^
|uttERLY uSELESS fact LoNG ENouGH to PaSS|&
|a tESt QUEStiON.  I NoW iNtENd to fORGEt|&&
|it foREVER.   You'VE tauGHt ME NotHiNG  |&&&
|EXCEpt HOW to CYNiCaLLY MaNiPuLatE tHE  |&&&|
|SYstEM.  coNGRatuLatioNS.               |&&&|
|                                        |&&&|
|              _ /|                      |&&&|
|         _\ \/ / /7                     |&&&|
|         >     ~ ~                      |&&&|
|         =     /_/                      |&&&|
|         (  n_  _)                      |&&&|
|          \_____/  **                   |&&&|
|        ||/--T^T^7--\\                  |&&&|
|        |/---^/---~~~~+~====            |&&&|
|        |@@@@@@@]_________/             |&&&|
|        |L@@@@@@||]     ||              |&&&|
|        ^][^^][^||      ||              |&&&|
|         ^^  ^^ ^^      ^^              |&&&|
|                                        |^^^^
| MAKES UP FOR THE LOUSY PAY.         __/|&&
|\_________________   _______________/   |&&&
|                  | /                   |&&&|
|            /|    |/                    |&&&|
|        _/|/ |7_                        |&&&|
|       >  ^  ^ <                        |&&&|
|      o=  O  O =                        |&&&|
|       (   (_) )  |                     |&&&|
|        \_ \_//   |                     |&&&|
|         [|^T^T/--B                     |&&&|
|        |[|_|_/^^^|                     |&&&|
|        |[____|=============            |&&&|
|        |@@@@@@@]_________/             |&&&|
|        |L@@@@@@||]     ||              |&&&|
|        ^][^^][^||      ||              |&&&|
|         ^^  ^^ ^^      ^^              |&&&|
| Watterson | ASCII Text Rendition* by   |&&&|

   Here are a few of the Cunning Pikes.

-O_O-  Cunning Pike

-O_O-  King Cunning Pike

-O_O-  Queen Cunning Pike

-O_--  Cunning Pike Winking

- -_- -  Cunning Pike Sleeping

 (  )
--OO-- Cow Trying To Be A Cunning Pike

} { }
{{ }_O- Cunning Pike Hiding Behind Weeds

-O O-  Shocked Cunning Pike

-O_O-     Cunning Pike With Necklace

--(O)--    Cunning Cyclops Pike ( Or Nuclear Sub MK2 )

-@_@-     Cunning Pike Having Seen Nuclear Sub

-X X-     Cunning Pike Having Taken Something Illegal

  |  |   |   |  |
-( -(  -O_O-  )- )- Vibrating Cunning Pike

  |       |
-O_O-   -O_O-  Synchronised Swimming Pikes

-O_q-      Cunning Pike With Monacle

 --      |
  --   -O_O-       Cunning Pike On Skateboard
--   ==========
      O      O

| -O_O- |    Limbo Dancing Cunning Pike

|     |    |     |
|     |    |     |
|  |  |    |     |
|-O_O-|    |     |
           |     |
           |  |  |
           |-O_O-|   Acrobatic Cunning Pikes

 | |
 | |
 | |
 | |
 ^ ^                Cunning Pike On Stilts

    |   |            |
    |   |            |
      |              |
    -O_O-            |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- Cunning Pike Doing The High Dive

     ____     ___________
      |  *   |  Pikes R  |
    -O_O---  | Cunning ! |
   |     |     |
 -(|)- -(|)- -(|)-       A School Of Cunning Pikes

  _   _   _   _
-O_O-O_O-O_O-O_O-        Cunning Pike Wallpaper

-0_0-7               James Pond (The Pike Who Loved Me)

  |     | |
-O_O-|  | |
     |  | |
     |  | |
     |  | |_______________
     |  |_/_____________/ |
     |  |_______________|/  Cunning Pike Pole Vaulting

\ | /
/ | \                        Cunning Pike Disguised As Spider

                                                       ..       :
                    .                  .               .   .  .
      .           .                .               .. .  .  *
             *          .                    ..        .
                           .             .     . :  .   .    .  .
            .                         .   .  .  .   .
                                         . .  *:. . .
.                                 .  .   . .. .         .
                         .     . .  . ...    .    .
       .              .  .  . .    . .  . .
                        .    .     . ...   ..   .       .               .
                 .  .    . *.   . .
    .                   :.  .           .
                 .   .    .    .
             .  .  .    ./|\
            .  .. :.    . |             .               .
     .   ... .            |
 .    :.  . .   *.        |     .               .
   .  *.             You are here.
 . .    .               .             *.                         .

   And a few more smilies.

(-:   User is left handed

%-)   User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight

8-)   User is wearing sunglasses

B:-)  Sunglasses on head

:-{}  User wears lipstick

{:-)  User wears a toupee

}:-(  Toupee in an updraft

:-*   User just ate something sour

:-)~  User drools

:<)   User is from an Ivy League School

:-X   User's lips are sealed

:-C   User is really bummed

:-/   User is skeptical

*<:-) User is wearing a Santa Claus Hat

              ##### | #####
             # _ _ #|# _ _ #
             #      |      #
       |       ############
                   # #
|                  # #
                  #   #
       |     |    #   #      |        |
|  |             #     #               |
       | |   |   # .-. #         |
                 #( O )#    |    |     |
|  ################. .###############  |
 ##  _ _|____|     ###     |_ __| _  ##
#  |                                |  #
#  |    |    |    |   |    |    |   |  #
                 #     #
             OOOOOOO|OOOOOOO   "I think you have to push the stick foward."

Well...    !!!!!!      !!    !!    !!     !!    !!
           !!    !!    !!    !!    !!     !!    !!
           ::    ::    ::    ::    :::::::::    ::
           ::    ::    ::    ::    ::     ::    ::
           ..    ..    ..    ..    ..     ..
           ......        ....      ..     ..    ..

   This is just a few examples of the popular cow series.

 / |     ||
*  ||----||
   ~~    ~~

         O__O                             \_|_/
         (oo)                             (oo)
  /-------\/                       /-------\/
 / |     ||                       / |     ||
*  ||----||                      *  ||----||
   ~~    ~~                         ~~    ~~
Cow at Disneyland       Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty

                ~~      (oo)
            ~~~~ /-------\/
         ~~~~~  / |     ||
       ~~~~~   *  ||----||
    ~~~~~~~~  ====~~====~~====
     Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu

               )\               (__)
              /  \              (oo)
           Cow swimming at Amityville
(Where Jaws was filmed, for those less educated)

\ | \ (__)
\\|| \(oo)
 \||\ \\/
  ~~ \||
   \\ ||
Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen

       \ (__)
 / |    (##)
*  ||----||"
   ~~    ~~
This cow plays bagpipes.

         (__)                     (__)                     (__)
         (\/)                     ($$)                     (**)
  /-------\/               /-------\/               /-------\/
 / | 666 ||               / |=====||               / |     ||
*  ||----||              *  ||----||              *  ||----||
   ~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~                 ~~    ~~
Satanic cow           This cow is a Yuppie         Cow in love


 / |     ||
*  ||----||
   ~~    ~~
   holy cow

         o  o
         |__|             (__)             (__)
         (oo)             (oo)            =(oo)=         oo
  /-------\/       /-------vv       /-------\/
 / |     ||       / |     ||       / |     ||
*  ||----||      *  ||----||      *  ||----||
   ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~         ~~    ~~
 bill bixby        bela lugosi      boris karloff  claude rains
 male relative     cow              cow            cow

       \^^^^^^^^\   (__)                    (o o)
        \^^^^^^^^\\ (oo)                     \ /
     *-----\_______\/\/                    \--O--/
   ^_______/   ---  \______^              // -----\
  ^--------\   \S/  /\_____^              \\/_^{} /==V===[]
            \______/                        \_____\\//
It's a bird...                               //\\         The Boss
 It's a plane...                             //  \\   (Bruce Holstien)
                                             //   //
                                             ^^    ^^

 / |                 ||
*  ||----------------||
   ^^                ^^
Stretch Cow

     __/o \_
     \____  \
         /   \
        //\   \
__/o \-//--\   \_/
\____  ___  \  |
     ||   \ |\ |
    _||   _||_||
Not cows at all

   This next one shows a guy talking to St Peter.

 ____________________          ____________________
|                    |   ____ |                    |
|  CAN  YOU GIVE ME  |  /    \I  -BUT I CAN ADD A  |
|  ONE GOOD  REASON  | (  NO     PITCHFORK  AND A  |  /\
|  WHY I SHOULD LET  |  \____/I  TAIL TO THAT "GO  | (  )
|  YOU IN?           |        |  TO HELL" ICON.    | _)(_     _
|_______________ .___|        |_____. _____________|~ __ ~-._ \"~-.
                \|                  |/    (_ /~,^ .r~T  T~i. ^.~\ _)
                 `                  '      \ \/ ,^|| |  | ||^. \/ /
              _____                ___ _    Y  /  || |[]| ||  \  Y
   .--.     .^  ,^^\.-.           {___~ )   | Y   || |  | ||   Y |
  / __ \   / ) / -- )_ \           c|..^o   | |   || |[]| ||   | |
 / ( (\ \ /(   ) ,>.| ) \           |c_,|  <| |===||=|  |=||===| |>
  ( ( (\ Y  __ (/ o Y).--^-------.   )_/l  <| |===||=|[]|=||===| |>
   ( ( (\l)/  \    )I | [~~~~~~~\|   `--.\---x.   || |  | ||   | |
 (  ( ( (|Y    Y (  |\| | \ _____\__ _ _/r~)  )\_ ||_|[]|_||_ _| |  _.
   ( \ \ ||    |____>-| |  T   = |.__\\<\`^  ", \~|| |  | || ~ | |"~
  \   \ (\|  '~~ Y____|_I__l_n___|_  / `---c~~^. Y'~^|_.^"`|_.-^-|__,-~
 ( \ ( ( (|      | | |   [=o H .=.]_ `-I~T~Y     |-          __
    ( \ \ l      | | l___[___H____] ~"_| | |    ,t     __  "~  ~"
   \ ( \ \I\     | |[_________H____] / | l_j_.-T |--"~~  ~"-.__,.--"~
    \ \ \ ||`----^-' :\_______H__/   \/|       | |-.._
     (   \|;     :   | |.. .. H.|^,__.-|   :   : |_   _.--~~"--..
        \ |   _  l _ : ||| || H||   __ !   |   ' l "~"  -Row ._  _.-"
         _|,-' ~"-' ~-.L|^.||_H|^-"~  ~"-.    ._  \_.-"~-.__   "~
       "~     ._   __,--.__~~     ~-._     _.   "~~         ~~~"
                ~~"        ~~"        "~~~"

|  We are merely   |
|  mildew on the   |
|  shower curtain  |
|    of life.      |
|                 /
|                /
  o           o

   Here are a few owl pics.

     ___         v             v v              ___
    <*,*>      <*,*>          <*,*>            <`,'>
    [`-']      [`-']          [`-']            [`-']
    -"-"-      -"-"-          -"-"-            -"-"-
     owl      punk owl   owl with antlers   chinese owl

    ___           ___               _|||_             /_\
   <#,#>         <o-o>              <*,*>            <*,*>
   [`-']         [`-']              [`-']            [`-']
   -"-"-         -"-"-              -"-"-            -"-"-
  T-V owl   owl with glasses   owl with top-hat   owl with fez

      ___             ___         _____   _
     <*,*>           <*,*>       /o    \_/ |      * *
     [`-//           [`o']      [       _  |
     -"-"-           -"-"-       `-----' `-'
 owl with sling   medalion owl   surreal owl   owl in cave

super owl

    O                                o o
   ___              ___              |_|
  <*,*>            <\,/>            <*,*>
  [`-']            [`-']            [`-']
  -"-"-            -"-"-            -"-"-
 Holy owl       Satanic owld     Martian Owl

   ___              ___              ___   ___
  <-o->            </,\>            <*,*>_<*,*>
  [`-']            [`-']            [`-'___`-']
  -"-"-            -"-"-            --"-----"--
 Tired owl        Sad owl          Siamese owl(s)

        .MMMMMMMMMM W" V                         W"WMMMMMHHHHHHHHHH
       "MMMMMMMMMM".                                 "WHHHMH"HHHHHHL
       MMMMMMMMMMF  .                                         IHHHHH.
       MMMMMMMMMM .                                  .        HHHHHHH
       MMMMMMMMMF. .                               .  .       HHHHHHH.
       MMMMMMMMM .     ,AWMMMMML.              ..    .  .     HHHHHHH.
     :MMMMMMMMM".  .  F"'    'WM:.         ,::HMMA, .  .      HHHHMMM
     :MMMMMMMMF.  . ."         WH..      AMM"'     "  .  .    HHHMMMM
      MMMMMMMM . .     ,;AAAHHWL"..     .:'                   HHHHHHH
      MMMMMMM:. . .   -MK"OTO L :I..    ...:HMA-.             "HHHHHH
 ,:IIIILTMMMMI::.      L,,,,.  ::I..    .. K"OTO"ML           'HHHHHH
 LHT::LIIIIMMI::. .      '""'.IHH:..    .. :.,,,,           '  HMMMH:
HLI'"IIITMII::.  .         .IIII.     . '""""               ' MMMFT:::.
 HML:::WMIINMHI:::.. .          .:I.     .   . .  .        '  .M"'.....I.
 "HWHINWI:.'.HHII::..          .HHI     .II.    .  .      . . :M.',, ..I:
  "MLI"ML': :HHII::...        MMHHL     :::::  . :..      .'.'.'HHTML.II:
   "MMLIHHWL:IHHII::....:I:" :MHHWHI:...:W,,"  '':::.      ..'  ":.HH:II:
     "MMMHITIIHHH:::::IWF"    """T99"'  '""    '.':II:..'.'..'  I'.HHIHI'
       YMMHII:IHHHH:::IT..     . .   ...  . .    ''THHI::.'.' .;H.""."H"
         HHII:MHHI"::IWWL     . .     .    .  .     HH"HHHIIHHH":HWWM"
          """ MMHI::HY""ML,          ...     . ..  :"  :HIIIIIILTMH"
               MMHI:.'    'HL,,,,,,,,..,,,......,:" . ''::HH "HWW
               'MMH:..   . 'MMML,: """MM""""MMM"      .'.IH'"MH"
                "MMHL..   .. "MMMMMML,MM,HMMMF    .   .IHM"
                  "MMHHL    .. "MMMMMMMMMMMM"  . .  '.IHF'
                    'MMMML    .. "MMMMMMMM"  .     .'HMF
                     HHHMML.                    .'MMF"
                    IHHHHHMML.               .'HMF"
                    HHHHHHITMML.           .'IF..
                    "HHHHHHIITML,.       ..:F...

                      W H A T - - M E   W O R R Y ?

        __  __ _  _ __  ___ ___  ___  ____  __  __ ___   ____ ___ ____ ___
       / /_/ / / / /  |/  / __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / / / __/  / __/  _/ ___/ __/
      / __  / /_/ / /|_/ / /_/ / _, / /_/ / /_/ /\ \   _\ \_/ // (_ /\ \
     /_/ /_/\____/_/  /_/\____/_/ |_\____/\____/___/  /___/___/\___/___/

      ! oo !                       !   !
          \  Aaron R. Revell         \
            \ arrevell_mailbox_syr_edu \
              \                          \
                \  "The ideas expressed    \
                  \  above are mine, and     \
                    \  they intend to stay     \
                      \  that way...whether      \
                        \  or not they suck."      \
                     ! oo !                          !  !

                        /  \
                        \   \__
            _            \   \o\
           |_0            \   \o\=
Murray Hunter    E-mail: mhunter_cc_umanitoba_ca      voice-mail: 474-9258
Computer Services Network Technician   and    Computer Science III student
"I'm using a ram disk with my virtual memory, isn't technology wonderful!"

   /\             **************************
* /  \  *         *Michael_Tucker_Brown_edu*
  @00@    *       **************************
  |<_>  * <-----  Snow_Bear_Ski_country
/_| \_     *
 /|| |
/ || |   *          NO LAWYERING
* \\\\            Proesecutors Will
* ||||              Be Violated
\ |)|)                   -the management
   \ \
    \ \

|        |      This Messsage             A Service By:
|        |     Closed Captioned                 Jon Joshua
|        |  For the Hearing Impaired            jjoshua_remus_rutgers_edu
`----. .-'
     |/                 #include <whittyComment.h>


<| Brian M. Amira  | Internet E-Mail: Brian_scs_unr_edu | Have you ever asked |>
<|-----------------|------------------------------------| "Why is it that the |>
<| P.O. Box 8711   | University of Nevada, Reno Student |    'Bat Computer'   |>
<| Reno, NV  89507 |    Voice & Fax#: (702) 324-4337    | never has a CrAsH?" |>

::::::::  (_\_|___|_/_)  ::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::  ____/\__(o o)     :::.: Joe Thomas        {8-)        joetho_symix_com :
:::  / moose  _\ /  :::::::.: Lead Software Engineer, Symix Computer Systems :
::  #|_____|_/  O  ::::::::.::..............................................::
:::  | \   | \    :::::::::.: "Cogito Ergo Spud - I Think, Therefore I Yam." :
:::  ^  ^  ^  ^  ::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                   ( x x )
****************oo0*(o o)*0oo**************************************************
*      -The amazingly acrobatic stick man-        *  Email mbm_dcs_ed_ac_uk   *
*\o _o   o  o  \o  |o  |o  >>    /\/ o__  _o   o/ * I'd never join a club that*
*|   |  /|  |\  |  /  /|/  \|o  o\   |  \   \  |  * would have me as a member *
*|   |  << <<  << |                        << < \ *        -Groucho Marks     *

         |-\       Have a Hobie Day!!
         |----\       +-----------------------------------------------+
         |--H--\      |We ask ourselves when we get in a fix          |
        /|------\     |What would Popeye do in a tight spot like this?|
       / |-------\    |He'd race for his true love and easily win it. |
      /| |--------\   |In an old spinach can with a mast stuck in it. |
     /-| |---------\  +-----------------------------------------------+
    /--| |----------\
   /---| |-----------\          hobie_catt_ncsu_edu
  /----| |------------\
 /_____| |-----O-------\           jaherr_eos_ncsu_edu
/        |____/w\____|___-\
\------------------------| |

|-- Terence Griffin (griffin_cam_nist_gov) --|-- My opinions are my own --|
|                                            |   unless they happen to    |
|    ____   _~o            ,__o              |   be yours too.            |
|  ____  _-\_<,          _-\_<,              |----------------------------|
|       (*)/'(*)        (*)/'(*)             |   Always looking for yummy |
|                      -o-o===o--            |   healthy things to try.   |
|------- Summer -------- Winter -------------|----------------------------|

 ___  ________ _      Nicolas Le Bas
 | __\| _|_   _/ \     Ecole Nationale Superieure
 | __\____ | |/ _ \    de Techniques Avancees
 |___\_____|___/ \_\   e-mail : lebas_ensta_fr
 **    Experience is something you don't get    **
 **        until just after you need it.        **

        (o o)     Emacs -- the choice of a GNU generation
+---oOO--(_)--OOo----------+  +-------------------------+
|                          /  /                         |
| Herve' Benvel            \  \ Herve_Benvel_inria_fr   |
| 55 bis, rue Paul Doumer  /  / benvel_litp_ibp_fr      |
| 91330 Yerres, France     \  \                         |
+--------------------------+  +-------------------------+

*  ( )_( )  * The Babbling One lives!!!!!!                             *
*   \. ./   * nexus_uiuc_edu                                           *
*  __=.=__  *                                                          *
*     "     *  "Talk about engineering? Ok... but I don't know much    *
*           *    about trains."                                        *

           . -- .                  Randy's Plan is brought to you today by
          (      )                 the letters L, N, and by the number 10.
         ( (/oo\) )
          ( \''/ )                               WW
           ( \/ )      wwwwww                   /__\
          (      )   w"ww  ww"w                | oo |   _WWWWW_
         (        ) W   o""o   W    (o)(o)    (|_()_|) /  o o  \   (+)(+)
   oo   (          )W  ______  W  w"      "w    \__/ (|  __O__  |)/      \
 w"()"w  (        ) "w \_\/_/ w" W  -====-  W  /|\/|\  \ \___/ /  \ -==- /
W -==- W   ' -- '  ww""wwwwww""ww "w      w"  |||||||| /-------\   \    /
 "wwww"     =  =    |||||||||||| w""""""""""w |||||||||=========| <\/\/\/>
w"    "w    =  =    ||||||||||||W            W|||||||||=========| /      \
  Elmo    Big Bird     Oscar    Cookie Monster  Bert     Ernie     Kermit

Grant Green     |The brain is a wonderful organ: it starts working the moment
green_chiron_com| you get up, and doesn't stop till you get to work.

   Dan Stock       |    ####     "Thou hast besquirted me, O Leotarded One"
   Trinity College |   @ 00 @           - the Evil Sheriff,
   Oxford OX1 3BH  |    \__/               'The Ren & Stimpy Show'

|   |      \     ha! | "something witless this way cumz."                   |
| \ | /    / |\      |                                                      |
|---|---   \ |\ |\   |  [ insert favorite video clip here ]                 |
| / | \  the  \ | |  |                                                      |
|   |    man w/  \|  |                                                      |
|   |    no plan     |"1Adam 12 see the man at rear of AppSci. on the ledge"|
| This message is being brought to you by the makers of SLUDGE              |
|   The Breakfast food that makes you wish it was Lunchtime.                |

                                             (o o)
Jay J. Williams                 _|_|_|_|_|                       \\|//
E-Mail: jjw_eecs_nwu_edu            _|     _|_|_|    _|   _|      - -
Northwestern University             _|   _|     _|   _|   _|      o o
2145 Sheridan Road Rm:2659      _|  _|   _|     _|   _|   _|       J
Evanston, IL 60201              _|_|_|    _|_|_|  _|  _|_|_|       O
tel:(708) 467-1949                                        _|      \_/
            ** This Message Was Printed On 100% Recycled Electronics **
               (o o)

|  \\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\/////  |
|   \\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////   |
|    \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////  \/////    |
|                                                                      |
|              LORD DESTRUCTION aka krisjones_delphi_com               |
|                "Hacker trapped in a delphite world"                  |
| =  I have a picture of Vicki Robinson hugging me. Well, would you  = |
| =  believe I'm standing next to her? Would you believe I'm in the  = |
| =  background? Ok, would you believe I saw a picture of her once?  = |
|                                                                      |
|    /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\  /\\\\\    |
|   ///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\///\\\\\   |
|  /////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\/////\\\\\  |

 __^__                                                              __^__
( ___ )------------------------------------------------------------( ___ )
 | / | Jon Biddell              Email: Jon_Biddell_unsw_EDU_AU      | \ |
 | / | PC Consultant            Snail: P.O. Box 1 KENSINGTON  2033  | \ |
 | / | University of NSW        Voice    : +61-2-697-2929           | \ |
 | / | Sydney, NSW, Oz          Fax      : +61-2-662-2057           | \ |
 | / | DoD #: 577               VoiceMail: +61-2-962 0080           | \ |
 | / |--------------------------------------------------------------| \ |
 | / | This week's quote:                                           | \ |
 |___|       And God said "E=MC^2" and there was light....          |___|
   ^                                                                  ^

Curt Seeliger                           cur_caltech_bitnet

Owens Valley Radio Observatory          "The views expressed herein are not
2001 Galactic Nebula Parkway             those of Cal Tech's.  This disclaimer
Big Pine, CA 93513                       void where prohibited, your mileage
                                         may vary."

        "I must say that I find television very educational.  The minute
         somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book."
                        - Grouch Marx

                                         /(o o)\
"I've seen the future.  I can't afford it."              -ABC

Mike Goldsman              __o          o__      o__      o__      o__
36004 Ga Tech Station    _ \<,_        _.>/ _   _.>/ _   _.>/ _   _.>/ _
Atlanta, Georgia 30332  (_)/ (_)      (_) \(_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_)

 *  __  _  *    Fred "I'll be" Bach  (tobac_ub-tky_UBSPD_CO_JP (Bach Frederic))
 * ||_ /_| *                                             (Tel. : 813-3597-1595)
 * || /__| *    Arnold, who are you going to be when you grow up ? I'll be Bach
 *         *                Je suis athee, Dieu merci. -B. Bach

Richard Siemens            {  Never play   |||  ___              Brown gets
a.k.a. Sir Grits            } leap-frog   (-,-) \__  __   /-\  mouldy if it
ae522_freenet_carleton_ca  {  with a       \-/  __/ / _  (-`-)  is left out
Richmond Ont Can.           } unicorn!              \_/   |||  in the rain.

  /     \
 |       |
 |  (o)(o)
 C   ,---_)
  | |,___|   "I am Homer of the Borg.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance
  |  \__/     is irrelevant.  Preparation is irrel...MMMmmm...doughnut!"
 /_____/ \   Craig E. Smith (csmith_cis_ohio-state_edu)

     ___/\            /\   One to beam up, Scottie!
 ___/ *   \          / /     (My dogs made me say it!  Really!)
/          |________/ /
|                    /
\____/\              \     Deborah J. Nunn       | Snail mail:
      |               |    e-mail: nunn_sura_net | SURAnet
      |    _______    |    phone: (301) 982-4600 | 8400 Baltimore Blvd.
      |___/       \___|    fax:   (301) 982-4605 | College Pk, MD 20740

____________   ____/--\____
\______  ___) (   _    ____)     "Damn it Jim!,
     __| |____/  / `--'            I'm a programmer not a Doctor!"
     )           `|=(-

                          )       \   /      (
                         /|\      )\_/(     /|\
*                       / | \    (/\|/\)   / | \                      *
|    University of Essex    '^`    \|/   '^`    University of Essex   |
|                                   V                                 |
|                                                                     |
|               Alan Greep....                                        |
|            E-mail:  greea_essex_ac_uk                               |
|                                                                     |
|         "It's the old, old story - 'droid meets 'droid, 'droid      |
|           becomes chameleon, 'droid loses chameleon, chameleon      |
|           turns into blob, 'droid gets blob back again, blob        |
|           meets blob, blob goes off with blob and 'droid loses      |
|           blob, chameleon and 'droid.                               |
|               How many times have we seen that story?"              |
|                                                                     |
| ._________________________________________________________________. |
|'               l    /\ /     \\            \ /\   l                `|
*                l  /   V       ))            V   \ l                 *
                 l/            //                  \I

                                                       @ @
|         _ _           ____  |     Jonas Warnqvist           | "Life is a  |
|        ////|         /____) |     Sandgerdsgatan 11         |  sexually   |
|       ////||        <<___   |     58252 Linkvping           |  transfered |
|_ _   //// ||_   _ __ \___ \ |                               |  decease,   |
|\\\\ ////==|||| ||/__\    \ \|jonas_warnqvist_taxfree_augs_se|  with 100%  |
| \\\X///   ||||_|||||| ___/ /|jonma_lysator_liu_se           |  mortality."|
|  \XXX/    ||\'__|\__/(____/ |i92jonma_ida_liu_se            |             |
| Amiga user group /--\Sweden | tel+fax  +46 13131818         |             |

**||**    **||**   **||*| **|*|** ! Chia Meng Hwee David
**    ||  **    || **     **   ** ! Internet: sci32163_leonis_nus_sg
**    ||  **    || **     **|*|** ! 'The one and only ....'
**||**    **||**   **||*| **   ** !
'A topologist is a person who does not know the difference between a
doughnut and a coffee cup.'  John Kelly

   __        _                     Dale A. Harris  <rodmur_ecst_csuchico_edu>
  /  )      //                           / "This is a revolution, dammit! We
 /  / __.  // _      , , , __.  _       /_  _  __  _  have to offend somebody."
/__/_(_/|_</_</_    (_(_/_(_/|_/_)_    / /_</_/ (_</_   John Addams, cir. 1776

|                                       |                                     |
|  IIIII     DDDD\     IIIII     /CCCC  |                                     |
|    I       D   D       I       C      |  Minister, have you finished with   |
|    I       D   D       I       C      |  that re-drafted re-draft of the    |
|  IIIII     DDDD/     IIIII     \CCCC  |  draft proposal yet?                |
|                                       |                                     |
|      /\/\                     /\/\    |                                     |
|       \ \ \                 / / /     |  No Humphrey, do you need it back?  |
|         \ \ \             / / /       |                                     |
|           \ \ \         / / /         |                                     |
|             \ \ \     / / /           |  Yes minister, I'm afraid it needs  |
|               \ \ \_/ / /             |  re-drafting!                       |
|              |-----------|            |                                     |
|              |/\         |            |                                     |
|              | \ \       |            | (Yes, Minister - P.Jay and A. Lynn) |
|              |   \ \     |            |                                     |
|              |     \ \   |            |                                     |
|              |       \ \ |            |=====================================|
|              |---------\/|            |                                     |
|                                       |You're never alone with schizophrenia|
|          Live long and prosper        |                            (LVB)    |

          ______             __________________:
         ( _____ )          (                   )
        / / - - \ \        (  Hmmm... now where  )
        | |-O-O-| |  o O  (    IS that brain      )
        |(   ()  )|        (     of mine?        )
        | \ \_/ / |         ( _________________ )
       /    ---    \
      (___)     (___)

Are Thunes Samsonsen   / Zeb: "Tomorrow I will seven eagles see, a great comet
s148_brems_ii_uib_no  / will appear, and voices will speak from whirlwinds
University of Bergen / foretelling monstrous and fearful things - This Universe
Norway              / never did make sense; I suspect it was built on
Symachos on #talk  / government contract". - Robert A. Heinlein, 666

#######  ###   #     # #######  #####  |  James Hammerton
   #    #   #  ##   ## #       #     # |  University of Edinburgh
   #   #     # # # # # #       #       |  Email: jamesh_aisb_ed_ac_uk
   #   ####### #  #  # #####    #####  |  "If I have not seen farther, it
#  #   #     # #     # #             # |   is because giants were standing
#  #   #     # #     # #       #     # |   on my shoulders."
 ##    #     # #     # #######  #####  |   - Anonymous

Kevin J. Farrar                      |           Contracted to:
Sverdrup Technology, Inc             |           AARA/Wright Laboratory
4200 Col. Glenn Hwy. Suite 500       |           Model Based Vision Lab
Beavercreek, OH 45431                |           Wright-Patterson AFB, OH
   Politics is what happens to democracy when not enough people care.


"geo jenn"                                    /--------\ ...........
                                           _ / /.--\                :
If it ain't been dead     /---------------  /  \---/                  :
for at least 65my,       /  /               |             )            :
then I don't want       /                                               :
to see it!             /()()()()()()()()()()()()()\___                   :
                        ()()()()()()()()()()()()()/     _                 :
                         \___________________           _-                 :
asjle_acad2_alaska_edu                      -__________-                     :
             THUNDERLIZARDS RULE!                       :

                                                             /  \
                                                            /    \
Regards Trevor Pretty                                      /      \
(Support Manager)                                         /        |
                                                         / GBR 7606 |
Advent Imaging Ltd                                      /           |
Henley                                                 /     0      |
Oxfordshire                                           /-----/----- |
England RG9 6NB                                      /   \_/_/    /
                                                    /     /     /
Tel: +44 (0)491 411566                             /_____/_\---
Fax: +44 (0)491 411577                  ________________/___\___
E-mail: trevor_advent_co_uk             \______________________/

I should put a disclaimer on here about my employer providing access
to the net etc. etc. But he don't windsurf so I won't.

     {     Marcia Goldstein         /\**/\            A spotless house    }
     {                             ( o_o  )_)            is the sign      }
     {  bagel_vpnet_chi_il_us      ,(u  u  ,),       of a misspent life.  }
     {                            {}{}{}{}{}{}                            }

  | dan_cc_ysu_edu | My views and opinions represent those of every       |
  |----------------| student and employee of Youngstown State University, |
  | 73's de KD4JVD | and all people residing within 20 miles of campus.   |

  |___| Oliver Bollmann                obollmann_arch_carleton_ca |___|
   |||                                                             |||
   |||   A doctor can always bury his mistakes...                  |||
   |||     An architect can only advise his client to plant ivy.   |||
   |||                             -Unknown   (Maybe FLW)          |||
  |~~~|                                                           |~~~|

   o                     Silly Quote goes in here.                       o
      o              the next line of quote goes here.                o
  o O    Imagine that these 3 line contain a quote that pleases you.    O o,
 `\/Y\/~           Odwin T G the wandering yoyo has gone.            ~\/Y\/
  _/ \_                   apg085_cch_cov_ac_uk                        _/ \_

                                 (o o)
|                                                                          |
|                THIS MESSAGE WAS BROUHT TO YOU FROM:                      |
|                                                                          |
|      RICHARD SALLSTEDT                    E-MAIL: RICH-SAL_DSV_SU_SE     |
|      SVARVARGATAN 18           /(o\       TEL.NO: 08-6546791             |
|      S-112 49  STOCKHOLM       \o)/       INT.NO: 46-8-6546791           |
|      SWEDEN                               BEEPER: 0740-145829 (NAT.)     |
|                                                                          |
|                      "MURPHY WAS AN OPTIMIST"                            |

|*These opinions are mine*  This .signature is|...!!jeffo  (UUCP'ish)|
|mine.  Everything you have just read is mine.|  jeffo_uiuc_edu  (ARPA'ish)  |
| "Earth destroyed by solar flare.  Film at eleven."  The last nightly news. |
| "Fast, Cheap, Good:  Choose any two."            Rule for a lot of things. |

    \0/    \0/ \     \ /     /   \0/   \0/    \0/ \     \ /     / \0/    \0/
     |     /   /)     |     (\    |     |     /   /)     |     (\   \     |
____/ \___/\___/0\___/0\___/0\___/ \___/ \___/\___/0\___/0\___/0\___/\___/ \___
Michael Nguyen                          *  If people who eat vegetables are
Aspiring Herpetologist\Paleontologist   *  called vegetarians, then shouldn't
SOUPBONE_UTXVMS_CC_UTEXAS_EDU           *  cannibals be called humanitarians?
    \0/    \0/ \     \ /     /   \0/   \0/    \0/ \     \ /     / \0/    \0/
     |     /   /)     |     (\    |     |     /   /)     |     (\   \     |
____/ \___/\___/0\___/0\___/0\___/ \___/ \___/\___/0\___/0\___/0\___/\___/ \___

Peter A. Norby - OCF Staff - norby_ocf_berkeley_edu  | If it wasn't for | T |
norby_soda_berkeley_edu     /=====================\  | dissappointment, | M |
clueless_ocf_berkeley_edu   | This Space For Rent |  | I wouldn't have  | B |
disk-hog_ocf_berkeley_edu   \=====================/  | any appointments | G |

 ....  ..  ..  ......   ..       | E-Mail address:  se1pb_dmu_ac_uk
 .. .. ..  ..    ..     ..       |                    -Internet-
 -- -- --  --    --     --       | "But soon, soon, soon, the world will be
 -- -- ------    --     --       | a better place, with meadows and bunnies
 ****  **  **    **     **       | and fiber optics in every home.... "
 **    **  **  ******   *****    |                            wwWWww
    -= Editor of VOId =-         |                            [o][o]

   Descartes thought an animal,          _     .
   That couldn't talk,                  /##.,.##\          Glyn Hanton
   Couldn't think, or so he taught,    #### ######
   But to summise,                     ###@   @###     glyn_crosfield_co_uk
   My cat thinks otherwise.             ##/ v \##
                                          ` ~ '

 _   _  __  ___ ___ __ __   _   _  _      Michael J. Hoffman
| |_| |/ .\|  =|  =|  V  | / \ | \| |     Encore Computer Corporation
|_| |_|\__/|_| |_| |_|V|_|/_^_\|_|\_|     mhoffman_encore_com
"I am logged in, therefore I am.">

|                                  |
|         Hello, I am:             |   s.r. prozak           cblanc@pomona.
| -------------------------------- |   philosopher of
| |          DISTURBED           | |   disorder, chaos,
| -------------------------------- |   depravity, and lust.  Fri18:00/88.7FM

       .    Andreas Meyer, N2FYE                         ahm_rick_att_com
   . O _    AT&T Computer System Technical Services
   _/=/     South Plainfield, NJ                          ..!att!rick!ahm
   _/ \_               "Jugglers do it 'til they drop."

This are my opinions, but you too |   ('\__/')  stripes_netcom_com
can have 'em for 5 dollars.       |   `o o ,~(7~7~\~7~7~7~7~/~7~7~\     /~7~)
----------------------------------|  (^   ) | ( l   l l l l   l l  |   | |~~
I'm going to happydance among the |   V~~V  '/ \ l \ l l l l(  l l |   | |
stars and wear my stripes anyway  |  *mrowl*___/   /     ----     , \_/'/
I want to. -Stripes the tiger (me)|   (,,,)_______/-----(,,,_______\___/

        Marilyn Cox               @(_)-------(_)         "Ms. ATT"
    COXRL_WKUVX1_WKU_EDU         @   /  ###  \     Reaching out to touch
     122 Riverwood Ave.          @  |   ###   |  more people than any other
  Bowling Green, KY  42103       @ @|_________|      person in America!


          *_   _   _   _   _   _   _  _   _   _   _   _   _   _ *
  ^       | `_' `-' `-' `-' `_' `_' `' `_' `_' `_' `_' `_' `-' `|       ^
  |       |these opinions R mine!      ish_RLCN_RL_AF_MIL       |       |
  |  (*)  |_   _   _   _   _   _   _  _   _   _   _   _   _   _ |  \^/  |
  | _<">_ | `_' `-' `-' `-' `_' `-' `' `-' `-' `-' `_' `-' `-' `| _(#)_ |
 o+o \ / \0 Sir Geoffrey Isherwood                              0/ \ / (=)
  0'\ ^ /\/ Knight of the Realm  -----  __  ___      ___ _____* \/\ ^ /`0
    /   \ | Keeper of the Flame    | _ /   | | | __ |__    |    | /   \
   /__^__\| Defender of the Faith  ||_|\__ | | |/  \|      |    |/__^__\
    || || | Chaser of the Skirts   ||     \     \__/|      |    | || ||
    || || |                        |    __/         |      | TM.| || ||
          * (The Perpetually Shrinking Minority of Free Thinkers)

|  o--o                       o--o           o   o   | Idiot Box, n.:       |
|  |   |                      |   |          |   |   | The part of the      |
|  O--o  o-o o  o  oo o-o     O--o  o-o  oo -o- -o-  | envelope that tells  |
|  |   | |   |  | | | |  |    |     |   | |  |   |   | a person where to    |
|  o--o  o   o--O o-o-o  o    o     o   o-o- o   o   | place the stamp when |
|               |                                    | they can't quite     |
|            o--o           E-MAIL ME AT:            | figure it for        |
|                       bpratt_ux4_cso_uiuc_edu      | themselves.          |
|                                                    | -Rich Hall,"Sniglets"|

-------------------------------------       ----------------------
>"I see the light                   :       :    Josh Karabin    :
: at the end of the tunnel now.     :       :DLH Lab Consulant II:
: Someone please tell me            :------------------------------------
: It's not a train."                : from "I see the light" by Cracker.:

"My sig contains my tiny version of the biohazard symbol."

    (_)    |       *******>  Jay_Daunheimer_mindlink_bc_ca  <********
    /o\    |  "No matter where you go, you'll have to go someplace else" -me
  ( )-( )  |   All opinions expressed are mine. Never mind who I work for.
   MCVII   | "Will you paint the black sky blue? Just like your shoes..." -TG

Hmmm ... at first glance I thought it was a female Viking cyclops. :-)

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  *disclaimer: any valuable information above is credited to the OIS
  *department of central michigan university.  any nonsense is mine

Phil                                   Health Information
phatch_slc_mentorg_com         Fat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0g
                               Protein . . . . . . . . . . . 0g
                               Calories  . . . . . . . . . . 0
                               Official Content  . . . . . . 0

        .    _  .     _____________
        |\_|/__/|    /             \
       / / \/ \  \  /  Happy Happy! \
      /__|O||O|__ \ \  Joy Joy Joy! /
     |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | \  ___________/
     | | (____) | ||  |/
     \/\___/\__/  // _/          This signature brought to you
     (_/         ||
      |          ||\                In an association with:
       \        //_/
        \______//                     GRITTY KITTY LITTER
       __|| __||

|                                |
| Camille le Monihs de Sagazan   | 8-bit cleanness test: i`hygbjnt{ko|
| CNRS-LAAS - Bureau 28b         |                       I@HYGBJNT[KO\
| 7, Avenue du Colonel Roche     |                       FfWw+;':0).1<=>
| F-31077 TOULOUSE CEDEX         |__________________________________________
| E-mail:lemonies_droopy_laas_fr |
| Tel:61 33 62 42 (bureau)       | Sterility is hereditary: if your parents
|     617 517 94  (chez moi)     | didn't have children, neither will you.

_________/\_____/\    /\  __/\  ____________/\  /\______/(>-:-<)\_____/\
\ Chris Farrell   \  /  \/    \/ ____________ \/aka Arhnold MuscleHogger\
/  MACC Operations \/       *   /   .   .   / /    Ruler of Geravik     /\
\   cfarrell_macc_wisc_edu      \          / /___/\  /-----------\  /\_/--\
 \__ cfarrell_picard_cs_wisc_edu/\  .   . /  \__/  \/ /\__/-\__/\ \/ __  _/
*   \___________  .  /\  .  ___/  \______/_/\____/\__/  ()   ()  \__/  \/
 .     .     +  \___/  \___/   \  "We now return you to your own version\
     +     .    .               \________ of reality..." _______________/

   OK, let's finish with another Peanuts cortoon someone posted.  Like in the
opening pic, I added the computer and words.  This time it's Snoopy.

           __-----_.                        ______
          /  \      \           o  O  O   _(      )__
         /    |  |   \_---_   o._.      _(           )_
        |     |            \   | |""""(_   Let's see... )
        |     |             |@ | |    (_ rec.pets.dogs _)
         \___/   ___       /   | |      (__          _)
           \____(____\___/     | |         (________)
           |__|                | |          |
           /   \-_             | |         |'
         /      \_ "__ _       !_!--v---v--"
        /         "|  |>)      |""""""""|
       |          _|  | ._--""||        |
      /                                   \
     /                                     \
    /                                       \
        {                               }
        |                               >
        {_______________________________|               ________
        <                               }              / SNOOPY \
        |_______________________________|             /__________\
\|/       \\/             \||//           |//                       \|/    |/

   Hope you got a laugh.  That's all for now.  If you are interested in ASCII
art, you can get a copy of my Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive by ftping to and cd mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art.  The file is called
Scarecrows.aa in Jorn's folder.

   And if nothing has made you laugh so far, here's an extra or two, a couple
of my sigs.

       ___    _    ____    _    ___
      /   \__/ \__/    \__/ \__/   \      "Hey Rocky!
      |          _|@ @ __          |      Watch me pull some intelligence
       \________/ |    | \________/       out of the internet!"
               __/    _/                  "But that trick never works."
              /) (o _/                    "This time for sure."
              \____/                      boba_gagme_wwa_com

        ..:::::==== |\ ===:::::..
        ..::::==== /%#| ===::::..
         ..:::=== |&@/ ===::::..
          ..:::=== \| ===::::..
boba_gagme_wwa_com  \ "The Internet is like a hurricane.  One is a big
\   \   \  \  \ \ \\\\  bag of wind, and the other's a weather phenomenon.
 \   \   \  \  \ \ \\\\  But I post anyway since they took away my crayons."


The Scarecrow's Funnies
This format and compilation as a whole is copyrighted by Glen Robbins.
c1994 Glen Robbins

This archive may be read and distributed non-commercially at no charge.
The art is generally considered public domain, so use it as you want.
I will immediately remove any art that a copyright holder asks be removed.


Version: 2.1
Released: March 21, 1994
Characters: 67632
Lines: 1658
Send art to: boba_gagme_wwa_com

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